
PDF To Text Converter

Our PDF to Text converter allows you to convert PDF files to editable Text documents. Upload your PDF to our online PDF-to-text converter and extract text from PDF with a single click.

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How to Use PDF to Text?

PDF to Text is quite simple to understand. Here is a thorough guide on how to use it:

  1. Upload the required PDF file into the tool via one of the methods provided. You can either browse the file from your computer or insert a link to the PDF file.
  2. Then, click on the ‘Submit and Extract’ button. This will begin the process.
  3. The text inside the PDF will be converted into plain machine-readable text and shown to you. Copy Text from PDF by clicking the "Copy" button or "Download" it as a Word file.

Regardless of your chosen method, you will have the PDF text as the result.

Why Our PDF to Text Converter?

Here are some noteworthy features of our PDF to txt that make it the best in the game.

1. Seamless Conversion

The speed at which our PDF to Text converter works is remarkable. Users are able to get the results almost instantly after the ‘Submit and Extract’ button. However, this can vary based on the size of the file. Even with larger files, this tool takes only a few seconds for conversion.

2. Free to Use

The tool’s facilities are free to use, and users are not required to log in or sign up to access the platform. This makes the conversion process streamlined and disruption-free.

3. Multiple Files Allowed

PDF to Text allows the conversion of more than one PDF file at a time. You can upload 2-3 files together, and they will be converted simultaneously.

4. Uploading Options

As mentioned in the guide, there are versatile uploading options. Here is a list for clearer understanding:

  • Copy and Paste the file.
  • Drag and Drop the file.
  • Browse and Upload.
  • Insert link.

These different options give users flexibility and let them choose the method which saves them the most time.

5. Easy Process

The conversion method is explained in detail above. As you may have noticed, it is quite straightforward. Also, the simple interface of the tool complements this streamlined process. In this way, this tool is highly beginner-friendly.


Some commonly asked questions about this tool are given as follows:

1. Who can use this PDF to text converter?

PDF to txt is available for all types of users. However, some common users of ours include students, bankers, document managers, and writers.

2. Is PDF to Text safe to use?

Yes, this converter is completely safe to use. The data of the user remains protected in the tool’s directory and is shared with no one.

3. How to convert PDF to Text on a Phone?

Our tool is available on mobile devices as well. You can either download the mobile app or use it on your phone’s browser. In both cases, you can easily convert PDF files into text.